Cài đặt Unreal Engine 4 trên Debian

Step 1 - Registering an Epic Games account

You’ll need to have an Epic Games account to gain access to the Unreal Engine on your Debian system. To create an Epic account, start by heading over to the official Unreal Engine website.

Step 2 - Configuring your GitHub account

Unfortunately, Epic doesn't distribute the Unreal Engine via a downloadable installer. Instead, you'll have to get the engine directly from GitHub. To do that, your GitHub account must be connected to your Epic account.

Step 3 - Downloading Unreal Engine 4 on Debian

You can open up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard. Alternatively, search for "Terminal" in the app menu and open it that way. When the terminal window is open and ready to use, install the git package onto your computer:

sudo apt install git

You’ll be able to use it to download the latest release of Unreal Engine 4 to your Debian system using the command below:

git clone --branch release https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine.git

Note: for the command below to work, you must check your email and accept the GitHub invitation from Epic Games to join their private Git repo.

Building Unreal Engine 4 on Debian

The Unreal Engine program needs to be built for it to install on your system. Use the cd command and move into the "UnrealEngine" folder in your home directory to start the building process.

cd ~/UnrealEngine/

From here, run the "Setup.sh" script using the command below:


After running the "Setup.sh" script file, you’ll need to run the "GenerateProjectFiles.sh" script:


Finally, run the make command to compile the code on your computer:


Running Unreal Engine 4 on Debian

Running the Unreal Engine 4 app on your Debian system is very simple. To do it, ensure you are in a terminal window and use the commands below to start it up:

cd ~/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/Linux/